Our group is comprised of moms, with children 0-18. While formed within the CUCC St. Charles church, we welcome moms and children of all faiths.


Bubbly Bubble Fun!

So its been a while since I posted, but most of these ideas are timeless, so who cares if I am a little behind in posting this! ;) This post is in honor of the bubble mess, umm i mean bubble fun, we had at the park earlier this summer! Enjoy this collection of bubble songs/poems and two recipes for making your own bubbles.

From Perpetual Preschool a collection of bubble songs: 

5 Little Bubbles

5 Little bubbles floating to the floor, Then one bubble POPPED (kids clap hands as you say POPPED) and then there were 4. 
4 Little bubbles round as can be, Until one bubble POPPED and then there were 3. 
3 Little bubbles were flying just to you, And then one bubble POPPED, then there were 2.
2 Little bubbles were having so much fun, Until one bubble POPPED, then there was only 1.
1 Little bubble round as the sun, Until that bubble POPPED, and now there are none!

The Bubble Song
1 little, 2 little, 3 little bubbles 
4 little, 5 little, 6 little bubbles 
7 little, 8 little, 9 little bubbles 
10 little bubbles go pop ,pop, pop 
Pop those, pop those, pop those bubbles 
Pop those, pop those, pop those bubbles 
Pop those, pop those, pop those bubbles 
10 little bubbles go pop, pop, pop

To the Tune of "Pop Goes the Weasel"
We dip our wands in the bubble soap. 
We wave them all around. 
The bubbles go up in the air. 
Pop! Go the bubbles.

Bubble Chant 
Bubbles bubbles everywhere
Gently flowing through the air
Bouncing up and down without a care
Bubbles bubbles everywhere!

Here are two homemade bubble recipes to try: 

Homemade Bubbles 

1/2 (500 ml) cup dishwashing detergent 
4-1/2 (4.5 liter) cup water 
4 tablespoons (60 ml) glycerin (available in pharmacies or chemical supply houses)
Measure out the water, detergent, and glycerin into container with a cover and stir gently. The longer you let the mixture set, the larger the bubbles are and the longer they seem to last.

National WIldlife Federation Bubble Recipe 

1/4 cup liquid dish washing detergent
3/4 cup cold water
5 drops of glycerin (available in pharmacies or chemical supply houses)

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