Our group is comprised of moms, with children 0-18. While formed within the CUCC St. Charles church, we welcome moms and children of all faiths.


Welcome Letter for the 2010-2011 year

Hello There!

Welcome tot he CUCC's Mother's Group. I am so glad that you have decided to join us for the 2010-2011 program! This is a place of friendship, faith, safety, a place to learn, laugh and bond. I hope you find it as special as I do. We are an open group and invite mothers within this church, neighborhood and community to our circle. Friends and family are encouraged to spread the word about this amazing group.

This year's theme is "A Better Me" and our activities will focus on strengthening ourselves, each other, our faith, our families, our friendships, our children, and our community. We will also schedule several family events that will be a log of fun as well!

Our current schedule will be to meet on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 7pm except December. We will meet the 2nd Wednesday in December due to the holidays. Most activities will be held at the church but there will be some activities (such as movie night) where we will meet at another location.

~~~~Excerpt from the welcome letter by Tracy R at our September meeting.

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Bubble Games

Now that you have had a chance to try your hand at making your own bubbles and gotten to sing a few songs while making them, you need to have something to do with them! So here are some great ideas from

Bubble Designs
Give each kid a piece of cardboard, construction paper or any other thick paper. Have a few containers with bubble solution and to each add a different water-based color (experiment first to see what works best with your bubble solution). Have one or more adults blow bubbles and tell the kids to try and catch the bubbles on their "canvas". As the bubbles pop the paint splatters to make a cool design (which is a great artistic gift to take home)!

Bubble Hoop
Prepare a bucket-full of bubble solution and after it sets for at least a day (the longer the better), pour it into a small kiddie pool. Place a hula hoop into the pool and a small step stool in the middle of the hula hoop. Set a child on the stool and then lift the hula hoop up over the child, as you do this a giant bubble will form around the child. Have your camera ready to take pictures of the child in the bubble!! It's AWESOME!

Bubble Popping
Choose three kids to be the bubble blowers. Set a time limit and have them blow as many bubbles as they can while the other kids race to pop the bubbles. You can also use the bubble machine for this activity.

Bubble Contest
Give the kids a few minutes to choose their bubble-blowing device from a box of bubble-blowing items you've arranged beforehand. You can also hand out bubble bottles so everyone is using the same tool. Now, let's see who can blow the biggest bubble, the longest-lasting bubble. How about getting one bubble inside the other with the use of straws, and the tiniest bubble, etc.

Biggest Lungs
To measure their lung capacity, have your guests take a deep breath and slowly blow through a straw on the surface of a pan of solution, pulling the straw up as they blow (the stronger their lungs, the larger the bubble will be).

Bubble Float
Designate a blowing area and separate the kids into teams of 3-4. Get the first team to stand and designate one of the team members as the Bubble Blower. Give the Bubble Blower ten seconds to blow as many bubbles above the heads of his team members. The object of this game is to keep the bubbles floating by blowing upwards. While the other groups are watching, have them count how long the group keeps their bubbles in the air without the bubbles bursting. When the last bubble bursts, it's the next team's turn. The team that keeps their bubbles floating the longest wins.

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Bubbly Bubble Fun!

So its been a while since I posted, but most of these ideas are timeless, so who cares if I am a little behind in posting this! ;) This post is in honor of the bubble mess, umm i mean bubble fun, we had at the park earlier this summer! Enjoy this collection of bubble songs/poems and two recipes for making your own bubbles.

From Perpetual Preschool a collection of bubble songs: 

5 Little Bubbles

5 Little bubbles floating to the floor, Then one bubble POPPED (kids clap hands as you say POPPED) and then there were 4. 
4 Little bubbles round as can be, Until one bubble POPPED and then there were 3. 
3 Little bubbles were flying just to you, And then one bubble POPPED, then there were 2.
2 Little bubbles were having so much fun, Until one bubble POPPED, then there was only 1.
1 Little bubble round as the sun, Until that bubble POPPED, and now there are none!

The Bubble Song
1 little, 2 little, 3 little bubbles 
4 little, 5 little, 6 little bubbles 
7 little, 8 little, 9 little bubbles 
10 little bubbles go pop ,pop, pop 
Pop those, pop those, pop those bubbles 
Pop those, pop those, pop those bubbles 
Pop those, pop those, pop those bubbles 
10 little bubbles go pop, pop, pop

To the Tune of "Pop Goes the Weasel"
We dip our wands in the bubble soap. 
We wave them all around. 
The bubbles go up in the air. 
Pop! Go the bubbles.

Bubble Chant 
Bubbles bubbles everywhere
Gently flowing through the air
Bouncing up and down without a care
Bubbles bubbles everywhere!

Here are two homemade bubble recipes to try: 

Homemade Bubbles 

1/2 (500 ml) cup dishwashing detergent 
4-1/2 (4.5 liter) cup water 
4 tablespoons (60 ml) glycerin (available in pharmacies or chemical supply houses)
Measure out the water, detergent, and glycerin into container with a cover and stir gently. The longer you let the mixture set, the larger the bubbles are and the longer they seem to last.

National WIldlife Federation Bubble Recipe 

1/4 cup liquid dish washing detergent
3/4 cup cold water
5 drops of glycerin (available in pharmacies or chemical supply houses)

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Some random Zoo fun!

Are you as excited as we are for the zoo tomorrow? Check out these Zoo inspired activities/songs to pass the time! These ideas come from ChildFun.com

Thumb print Monkeys
Give each child a piece of construction paper with the outline of a tree drawn on it. Set out ink pads and felt tip markers. Let the children make thumb print monkeys all over their tree pictures. To create each monkey, have them press a thumb on an ink pad and make two thumb prints, one above the other, on their papers. Then let them complete their monkeys by adding faces, arms, legs, and tails with the markers.

Blubber Experiment
Take two small plastic bags-turn one of them inside out and place it inside the other bag. Spoon crisco shortening in between the two bags and seal them together. This makes a blubber mitten and the kids can insert their hands into the mitten and put their hand into icy water and see the difference that the blubber makes in keeping warm.

Room Zoo
Have the children bring in their favorite stuffed zoo animal and set up a zoo in the class room.

Counting Cages
Collect 10 plastic strawberry baskets for cages. Cut index cards in half, and write a number from 1-10 on each half. Put the corresponding number of dots for young children. Turn the baskets over and attach the cards to the top of each basket on the bottom. Set the cages out along with 55 small plastic zoo animals. Direct children to count out the right number of animals for each cage.

I'm A Little Penguin
(Tune: I'm a Little Teapot)
I'm a little penguin
On the ice.
I think cold is very nice.
I can hop around first once, then twice,
I think ice is very nice.

Swing, Swing 
Have the children stand in a circle and hold hands. While you recite the following poem, have them swing their arms up and down.
Little monkeys swinging in the tree,
All hold hands and swing with me.
Swing up high and swing down low,
Swing in the tree, now don't let go!
Swing, swing, like I do.
Swing like monkeys in the zoo.

Penguin Thoughts 
Have you ever seen penguins in picture books?
I always smile when I see their looks.
They look like men in their fancy suits,
all black and white from head to boots.
I often wonder when it snows,
Do they freeze their little penguin toes?
Do they shiver and shake in their land of ice?
Sitting on icebergs CAN'T BE NICE!

Three Little Penguins 
Three little penguins dressed in white and black.
Waddle, waddle forward and waddle right back!
Three little penguins, in a funny pose,
They are wearing their evening clothes.
Their suits are black and their vests are white,
They waddle to the left and they waddle to the right.
They stand on the ice and they look very neat,
As they waddle along on their little flat feet.

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Our very own Shutterfly page!

I feel like we are just moving on up in the world here! Our group now has a Shutterfly Share Site. Like all or our other forrays into the WWW, its still got a ways to go but I dont want to keep people waiting to see the cute pictures of their kids! 

Given the world that we live in, we do have some privacy issues I must address: 
  • Our blog is public, so anyone can see anything posted. That said I only use first names with a last initial. So me, I am Jodi M. Also, photos will NOT be posted on here if they have anyone in them, even shots from behind. Not many photos from anything we do will be posted here anyway so this shouldn't be an issue. 
  • Our Shutterfly share site is private, unless you are added as a member you can see NOTHING on the site, other than that it exists and to email us to be added. And while we look forward to our group gaining interest outside our church - if we don't know you, we wont add you! 
  • As a member of our Shutterfly share site, you can add pictures you have taken to the site - just look for the best location and click add album. You can also save other peoples pictures, order prints, etc. If you need help, feel free to ask!

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Books about the Zoo & other learning ideas!

Here is a great list of books about zoo animals and accompanying activities that can help your child learn. Our family has read the first one on a chance discovery at the library and it was a hit! Please note this list was compliled by teachers and copied from The K Crew.

  • Rumble in the Jungle by Giles Andreae - Read and discuss this book about wild animals. The pages describe the characteristics of each animal. As a class, brainstorm/write a list of descriptive words for some of the animals (hippopatomus, giraffe, lion, chimpanzee, etc.) . Students may then use these lists to illustrate and fill in the blanks in their own "Jungle" booklet: "The lion ___________." "The gorilla ___________." "The rhinoceros ___________." "The snake ___________." etc.
  • Biggest, Strongest, Fastest by Steve Jenkins - Read and discuss this fact-filled book about wild animals. From the descriptions in the text, create "animal riddles" (This animal has four legs. This animal is gray. It is the largest land animal, etc.) Students work in pairs to compose as many riddles as they can. They go "quiz" other peers, students/teachers in other grades, then they take them home to "quiz" their parents.
  • The Zoo Book by Jan Pfloog - After reading, have the students "buzz" about the animals they want to see at the zoo. Give each student an old magazine (National Geographic is best!) to cut pictures of wild animals. Students should find 6-8 pictures, glue them to large index cards, and label them by name. Then they are given the following words (copied on cardstock for durability): "At" "I" "see" "zoo" "can" "the" Students cut the words apart, place in logical order ("At the zoo, I can see..."), and add an animal card at the end to complete the sentence. They may read their sentences to a peer, a younger student, or they may write their sentences in a self-made book.
  • The Mixed Up Chameleon by Eric Carle
  • Monkeys by Susan Canizares
  • Zoo-Looking by Mem Fox - Read this great Mem Fox tale about a little girl's visit to the zoo. Students will follow the book's pattern to create what they want to see at the zoo: I looked at the _____ and the ______ looked back. Students create torn paper models/pictures of their animals, too.
  • Color Zoo by Lois Ehlert - Students are provided with lots of (pre-cut) shapes, in various colors and sizes. Using their knowledge of zoo animal characteristics and shapes, they create animals. Some students even want to add "zoo details" (cage bars, ropes, tire swings, rocks, etc)
  • Put Me In the Zoo by Robert Lopshire
  • Good Night, Gorilla by Peggy Rathman - Our classes love the idea that the animals sneak out of the zoo and into BED with the zookeeper! This is a great one to act out while students take turns reading the pages.
  • Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell - After reading this book, students complete their own "Dear Zoo" booklet, with descriptive flaps for each animal ("too naughty," "too tall," etc.). This activity can be found in the Teacher Created Materials Thematic Animals Unit.
  • Zoo Do's & Don'ts by Todd Parr - Following the cues from the book, each table of students (four students per table) creates its own "Zoo Do's & Don'ts" list. Once they've finalized the lists, they transfer them to posterboard, complete with illustrations. These are a great review before our trip to the zoo!
  • If I Ran the Zoo by Dr. Seuss - The title itself leads to the obvious activity in creative writing. Students spend 5-7 minutes elaborating/sharing their responses before writing/illustrating what would happen: "If I ran the zoo....."
  • My Visit to the Zoo by Aliki - After reading this book, we make predictions about what OUR visit to the zoo will be like, filling in the blanks on a predictable chart: Maybe we will see a _______. Or maybe we will see a _______. Maybe we will see a _______. Or maybe we will see a ______.
  • Inside a Zoo in the City by Alyssa Satin Capucilli - The text in this story builds upon itself, adding a new character on each page. Our classes love to read this book over and over again. Students recreate their own zoo rebus story using animal stickers.
  • If Anything Ever Goes Wrong at the Zoo by Mary Jean Hendrick - Students love this silly tale about a little girl who gives an open invitation to the zoo animals "if anything ever goes wrong at the zoo." After reading and discussing the story, students write their own invitations to the zoo, explaining how they could take care of certain animals (the monkeys, because they have a banana tree in the back yard, etc.) : Dear Zookeeper, If anything ever goes wrong at the zoo, You can send me the ____________ because I have ____________. Love, _______
  • Miss Mary Mack by Mary Ann Hoberman - This is a "souped-up" version of the traditional chant. It is the perfect book for finding rhyme pairs and creating NEW couplets.
  • Zoo by Gail Gibbons - After reading this book, we make a list of all the animals in it. We review alphabetizing by putting the first four in "ABC order" as a group. Students are given a sentence strip and a page divided into 10 blocks (9 blocks with animal clipart and name, 1 blank block). Students illustrate/label a different zoo animal in the empty block. Then they cut the blocks apart and glue them in alphabetical order on the sentence strip (vertically is usually easier for them).
  • From Head to Toe by Eric Carle
  • Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? by Eric Carle - After reading this patterned book, students create their own At the Zoo... booklet. Students illustrate the appropriate animal (Flamingo, elephant, polar bear, etc.) and add speech bubbles to each page, following the text pattern: "Flamingo, flamingo," I said at the zoo. "Flamingo, flamingo," I like you!

Two other great activities they suggested, that are not related to specific books are:
  • After drawing each animal, students dictate which body parts to label. It's an easy assessment to let them lead this activity. Some children have never heard the word "hoof" or "mane" before, so this can easily become a vocabulary lesson as well.
  • To further emphasize unique characteristics of the animals, we write a chart following the pattern: "The important thing about elephants is that they have trunks ." "The important thing about ________ is that they have ______."

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Chicago Zoological Society - Tips For Your Visit

Since we are planning to visit the zoo next week, I thought I would share this page from the Brookfield Zoo's website. Chicago Zoological Society - Tips For Your Visit

Among my favorite tips and ideas:
  • Check the schedule for Zoo Chats, and learn all about your favorite animals, sometimes they even bring their creatures along.
  • The animals are most active early in the morning and late in the afternoon, big cats especially!
  • Look for the naturalists and docents (wearing bright green shirts) as they often have touch stations and things you can look at, as well as knowing interesting things about the animals!
  • Ask your kids if they can identify animal behaviors like grooming, courting, and scent-marking. Hopefully the animals keep it fairly PG....
  • Pick a storybook or movie ahead of time and see if you can visit all of the animals featured in the story.

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And we are off... This whole thing is still under construction but lets get it started and see where it goes. If you have found this, its probably because you are involved in our moms group, but if not we welcome you. Consider this a source of additional information regarding things we have talked about at meetings, things we are doing, or simply things that as moms we might find interesting. Hopefully you get some use from it! That said... lets do this!

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